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Every new car in the UK will be fitted with an installed smart device that limits their top speed.

Every new car in the UK will be fitted with an installed smart device that limits their top speed. - Paisley Autocare

Stuart Ross |

The European Union has announced that all new cars will be required to have speed-limiting software from next year. The Intelligent Speed Assistant (ISA) is a mandatory requirement for vehicles in the UK and EU, which uses either video or GPS-linked system with sensors on roadsides—it can detect signs like blue poles telling you how fast you're going and alert drivers when they've exceed their limits!

The European Transport Safety Council has previously said a full ISA speed limiter system could reduce road deaths by as much 20%. The technology is not expected to be introduced for safety concerns, but instead it will only include audio and visual warnings that prompts drivers slow down.


The new technology can be very beneficial to all those on the roads, and could even be life-saving. Not only would it help drivers stay below speed limits more easily but they may also save themselves from fines with this assistance of tech in their cars! For example according Moneycom we know that insurance rates will drop as well because there is less risk associated when you drive at or near traffic laws. And finally fuel efficiency might improve too.